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Breaking Free from Procrastination: My Journey to Productivity

I’m a person that thinks a lot about a million things. My curiosity always gets the better of me and makes me wonder about ridiculous things and come up with crazy ideas.

I never acted on them because of something a lot of people are facing on a day-to-day basis – Procrastination! We all know this feeling of “Oh this is a nice idea, I will get started tomorrow.” And we all know that tomorrow, for some reason, is always the next day, independent of how many days have already passed.

This is a big issue for me because I feel like I am not accomplishing anything ever. I am always watching people do it, admiring them, wishing I could be like them, but after all, I still sit on my couch watching the same message over and over again: “Just Get Started!”

The Breaking Point

The moment I got sick of procrastination was when I realized I had spent 5 months already, May to September, thinking about an app that I wanted to build. I watched a few tutorials, researched how to build it, and convinced myself I was making progress. But that was it.

I thought since I couldn’t possibly know enough yet to actually start building it, I should continue just watching tutorials and nodding along as if everything made sense. This is when I realized this makes no sense. I have to take this into my own hands and just try. If I don’t do that, I will never get started in the first place.

My Productivity Strategy

So what’s my plan to break free from this cycle? I’m going to try three specific strategies:

    1. Set NICE Goals (Near-term, Input-based, Controllable and Energizing) – Instead of vague aspirations, I’ll create specific, achievable goals that focus on the actions I can take rather than outcomes I can’t fully control.
    2. Plan my Ideal Week – I’ll map out what a productive week looks like for me, blocking time for focused work, learning, and rest to create a sustainable routine.
    3. He Who Teaches, Learns – By sharing my journey with you through this blog, I’m creating accountability for myself while potentially helping others who are struggling with similar challenges.

Join Me on This Journey

In this blog, I want to change my behavior. I want to actively work against the inertia of choosing the default option, to level up my life and the things I can accomplish.

So, if you feel like you are struggling with the same thing, if you don’t want to keep thinking your life is just the way it is and there is nothing you can change anyway, then escape with me and follow me along on my journey to productivity.

Let’s get started. For real this time.